Business as UNusual: Marketing During C19 and Beyond

If you’ve pondered any of these thoughts over the past few months, this event is for you!

With the shift to social distancing, remote working, and self-isolation, COVID-19 has left many business owners wondering if and how they should creatively market their services.

During this Zoom panel discussion, we’ll talk to a group of marketing professionals and local business owners that have addressed marketing in creative ways over the past few months, touching on tactics & approaches businesses can and should use right now.


Aisha Adams - Aisha Adams Media

Catherine Campbell - Owner, Bright Planning Marketing & PR

Nicole Hairfield - Co-founder, Moonlight Makers

Nathan Jordan - Creative Director, Market Connections

Panel Moderator:

John Hornsby - Founder and Chief Creative Ninja, John Hornsby Creative

When & Where
Thu, Jun 11, 2020 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM EDT