This will be a hybrid event with limited tickets for in person capacity at The Foundry Hotel and also as a FREE live webinar on Zoom.
Hybrid: Zoom | The Foundry HotelOne year ago we sat down with a group of marketing professionals and business owners to grapple with the challenges brought on by the pandemic, global shutdown and the socio-political upheaval that ensued. Clearly it was time for Business as Un-usual.
The shift to social distancing, remote working, and self-isolation of COVID-19 challenged business owners to creatively and empathetically adapt their marketing. Over the course of the past year many businesses have redefined themselves. Some have thrived and others have barely survived or shuttered their doors. Businesses and audiences are made of people whose lives have been changed by the loss, grief and opportunity the last year has given us.
During this hybrid panel discussion, we’ll bring back the same group that we talked with one year ago, when we were three months into Covid. We’ll address marketing tactics that worked and hard lessons learned over the past year, pandemic pivots, and we’ll look forward to tactics businesses can use as we emerge. Now that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, let’s Re-imagine what Business as Usual means now.
If you are curious how other professionals are Marketing Beyond COVID, this event is for you!
Aisha Adams - Aisha Adams Media
Catherine Campbell - Marketing Director, Wildsam Field Guides (formerly Agency Owner at Bright Planning)
Nicole Hairfield - Co-founder, Moonlight Makers
Nathan Jordan - Co-Founder, Uproar Concept
Panel Moderator:
John Hornsby - Chief Creative Ninja, Hornsby Creative & Co-Founder, Connection Kits
This will be a hybrid event with limited tickets for in person capacity at The Foundry Hotel and also as a FREE live webinar on Zoom.
Hybrid: Zoom | The Foundry Hotel